Do you know how much you spend on car maintenance every month? Often this number can be very surprising. Leasing a car ensures that after a year or two you will still be paying the same monthly payment, which will include all the running costs associated with the vehicle: purchase costs, insurance, service, maintenance, roadside assistance or tire changes. At the end of the rental agreement, you can rent the latest car model and simply extend the agreement. No more attrition risk, no more stress, no more unexpected costs and no more wasted time!
Operating lease
Latest cars, down payment from 0%, lease agreement for 1-5 years, fixed monthly payments, equipment and maintenance package according to your needs.
What is an operating lease?
Vehicle here and now
All our cars are on site, so after choosing the car you want, you can rent it with just a few clicks - we will contact you within two hours of sending the request and provide you with an individual rental offer!
No obligations to the bank
Are you planning to buy a new home and don't want to take on long-term financial obligations? Leasing a car is a great alternative to leasing, because the car is rented, not bought, so it is not visible on your credit balance.
Flexible financing solutions
Short of money for a new car? We flexibly take into account the individual needs of each customer and offer the opportunity to use a new car for one fixed monthly payment. No down payment!
No additional costs or queues at the service
When you rent a car, you also get a full maintenance package: we will take care of insurance, repairs, 24/7 roadside assistance and a replacement car.
Stable fixed payment
Guaranteed protection against economic fluctuations! As interest rates change and inflation increases, the car lease payment will also increase, while the operating lease payment remains fixed for the duration of the car lease.
A car according to your needs
Unexpected changes and you want to change your car? With Hertz, you can change your car every year - to a bigger, smaller or greener one.
No sales worries
Drive the latest car model and don't worry about selling it. At the end of the rental period, simply return the car to us or rent a new one.
You drive, we take the risk
When renting a car, you can completely forget about the risk of wear and tear. From now on, this is our problem.
What is the advantage of operating lease rental over leasing?
Since during leasing the customer pays only for the purchased car, additional services are not included in the contract, so you have to take care of technical maintenance, insurance, tire change, roadside assistance or even a replacement car separately, which can significantly increase monthly costs.
Choose your vehicle
Operating lease plans
TPVCA (Compulsory Drivers Liability Insurance)
Regular technical services are performed according to the manufacturer's requirements
Tire replacement, installation and storage
Sets of summer and winter tires
Technical inspection
Technical assistance on the road around the clock
Administration of insurance events
Administration of accounts
Replacement of naturally worn parts (pads, brake discs, etc.)
Replacement car
Fuel card and its administration
Replacement of naturally worn tires
Get your offer!
Start your journey now: our comfortable and high-quality cars will ensure you a great experience
Can natural persons use the full service leasing?
What is included in the monthly payment?
Car maintenance services, depending on the selected plan.
Who can use the car?
Family members with a valid driver's license can use the car.
What documents do I need to provide to rent a car?
In order to rent a car, you must present an identity document and fill out an application. Legal entities are requested to submit the company's balance sheet and profit and loss statements.
I had an accident, what's next?
We will take care of the administration of insurance case.
Can I change conditions after signing the full service leasing contract?
Yes, you can change the conditions according to the rates set in the contract.
Can I change the car after signing the contract?
Yes, we provide an opportunity to change a car.
What are the requirements to rent a car?
A valid driver's license
Can I terminate the contract before the end?
Yes you can. The conditions of termination are described in the general part of the rental contract.
Can I travel abroad with a rental car?
You can travel within the borders of the European Union.
If you can't find the car which fits my needs, is it possible to order the car i want and sign an full service leasing contract?
Yes. You just need to fill out the request form.